2018 Shoquoquon Spring Camporee and Merit Badge University
WHO: All Boy Scouts, Webelos Scouts, Scouters and Parents. Webelos may camp with a Scout Troop or be assigned to a Troop if needed. Youth protection and two-deep leadership must be in place.
WHEN: April 13-15, 2018. Check-in starting at 6:00 p.m. Friday, April 13th at 40 & 8 Park
FEES: $25 per Youth and $20 per Adult. After March 30th, the fee will increase to $30 per attendee.
WHAT TO BRING: Troop and personal camping gear, appropriate clothing, medications and toiletries. Cooking gear and food if preparing own meals. Field (Class A) uniform to be worn during merit badge classes. Scouting America Health Form parts A & B. Merit badge pamphlet and worksheets.
PATCHES/T-SHIRTS: Patches will be handed out for the first 100 on-time registrants. Camporee T-shirts will be available for purchase for $10 or you can bring your own shirt to screen print for $5.
ACTIVITIES: A weekend full of fun merit badges or Webelos pins, camping, Bees baseball, and the opportunity to explore Burlington.
Download Registration Form 2018 SH Spring Camporee registration flyer