2018 S.T.E.M. Camp
Experience Camp in a whole new way at S.T.E.M. Camp! All activities will have a Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math twist while offering a fun program for Scouts and family members of all ages!
WHO: All Cub & Boy Scouts and their families! Programs will be open to siblings.
WHEN: Saturday, August 4, 2018. Optional camping on Friday and Saturday Nights
FEES: $50.00 per youth; $25.00 per adult. Patch and Saturday lunch and dinner included in the price
ACTIVITIES INCLUDE:Fishing, Chemical Reactions, Demonstrations, Hoverboards, & More! Lunch & Dinner provided on Saturday. Optional camping on Friday and Saturday. Meals provided on Saturday!
WHAT TO BRING: Health Form, Camping Gear, Fishing Pole
MORE INFORMATION: Contact Co-Chairman Parker Hanks at parkerabk@gmail.com or Katie Eastin at katie.eastin@mtpcsd.org
Staff Advisor J. David Gilbert at jdavid.gilbert@scouting.org
Download Registration Form 2018 STEM Camp Flyer
Download Schedule: Tentative Schedule 7/11/18