Shoquoquon Spring Camporee – Gone Fishing
WHEN: Friday, April 23 – Sunday, April 25, 2021
Check-in on Friday after 6:00 p.m. To complete the planned program, the Camporee will likely last until Sunday afternoon.
WHERE: Big Hollow Recreation Area, 152nd Ave, Sperry, IA 52650 – Primitive Camping Area for Camping!
WHO: All registered Scouts, Scouters and Venture Crew Members
FEES: $20 for Scouts and Crew Youth Members; $10 for Scout Leaders and Crew Advisors; Fees will increase to $25 and $15 the week before the event.
WHAT TO BRING: Camping and cooking gear, Health Form parts A & B, Unit Roster. Everyone 16 years of age and older will need a valid Iowa fishing license. Fishing gear will be available, or you may bring your own. All meals are the responsibility of the unit. We will plan to have a fish fry Saturday evening if the fish are biting.
PROGRAM: We will work on, and hopefully complete, most of the requirements for the following merit badges: Fish and Wildlife and Fishing. Scouts will be invited to volunteer at a Cub Scout Adventure Camp to finish their Complete Angler Award, as well as will be provided with an opportunity later on in the year to take FLY FISHING.
INFORMATION: Event Chair Doug Peters 319-759-6093 or jadapet@hotmail.com; Staff Advisor Keely Kangas 319-290-6662 or keely.kangas@scouting.org
Register Today!