Wood Badge – Session 1
Course Dates:
April 14-16, 2023 April 29-30, 2023
Camp Eastman AND Saukenauk Scout Reservation
What is Wood Badge?
In 1911, Baden-Powell took his first steps in training Scouting’s adult leaders by organizing a series of lectures. The first Wood Badge training session was held in 1919. Since then, Wood Badge training has continued to evolve in order to meet Scouting’s needs. Wood Badge focuses on preparing adults to deliver the mission of Scouting.
Who May Attend Wood Badge?
To attend a Wood Badge course, individuals must:
- Be a registered adult leader in a program of the Scouting America Mississippi Valley Council
- Cub Scouts, Scouting America, Venturing, Exploring, District, Council
- Youth older than 18 may attend. They do not need to be registered in an adult leadership role.
- Complete basic training courses for your Scouting position. That typically includes Youth Protection Training, Position-Specific Training and for Scouting America Leaders Outdoor Leadership Skills. Many are available online at www.myscouting.org
- Be capable of functioning safely in an outdoor environment
- Have a complete and current Annual Health and Medical Record
- Have a desire to learn and participate in a fun environment.
Information About This Wood Badge Course:
Session 1 runs for three full days from Friday morning through Sunday evening and Session 2 runs for two full days Saturday-Sunday. There will also be one patrol meeting between the two weekends.
Cost: Total course cost is $180 before 1/1/23 and $200 after 1/1/23 – the fee includes meals, cracker barrels, program materials, and recognition items. Early bird discount is $20 savings, camperships are available for those needing assistance.
Course Size is Limited: There will be limited space in the course with acceptance given in the order the applications are received.
Medical Examination Required: Each participant must submit an approved medical form from a complete physical that was performed one year before the final day of the course.
As a result of attending Wood Badge training, you will:
- Acquire contemporary leadership concepts and discover how these apply to our values-based program.
- Understand Scouting as a family of interrelated, value-based programs providing age-appropriate activities for youth.
- Revitalize your commitment to Scouting by sharing an inspirational experience.
How is Wood Badge Presented?
Wood Badge consists of two phases. The first phase is the practical phase, which consists of two weekends at camp plus a mid-week patrol meeting between the weekends. The second phase occurs after the weekends and consists of “working your ticket”.
What is a Ticket?
The Wood Badge “ticket” represents your commitment to complete a set of goals related to your Scouting position. The ticket gives you an opportunity to practice and demonstrate a working knowledge of the leadership skills presented during the course. You will complete your ticket no later than 18 months after the course.
Questions: Doug Peters, Course Director, (319) 759-6093; jadapet@hotmail.com
Cordaro Boughton, Staff Advisor, (309)278-2936; cordaro.boughton@scouting.org
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2023 Wood Badge Registration Form