ADM Presents – 2024 “Are you Tougher than a Scout” Golf Tournament – Camp Point
We invite you to join us for a fun‐filled day of Golf and Scouting Skill Games. This unique fundraising event will help to ensure that approximately 1,500 young people along the Mississippi River continue to receive the best Scouting program possible. Our program provides youth a safe haven and opportunity to grow in character, citizenship, and fitness.
This event will be an 18-hole, 4-person scramble tournament with Scouting skill stations. Teams who complete Scouting skills successfully earn strokes off of their golf score. Skills may include activities like knot tying, nature, and knife throwing. Includes golf, cart, lunch, soft drinks, and on-course prizes.
You do not need to have been a Scout to participate! Everyone is welcome! Prizes will be awarded for both golfing skills and Scouting skills. Event will occur Rain or Shine.
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