Distinguished Citizen Award Dinner Honoring Bob Brueck
Join us at the 23rd Annual Boy Scout Distinguished Citizen Dinner to honor Bob Brueck. The Missississippi Valley Council, Scouting America Mississippi Valley Council is pleased to recognize an individual who personifies the spirit of the values of Scouting. Through his many leadership efforts, Mr. Brueck has shown how to promote the betterment of the greater Burlington area.
This annual event is a major fundraiser for the local Boy Scouts. Funds from this dinner will help area youth for many years to come as the proceeds go into the Council’s Endowment Fund. Please choose a support level below and help us honor Mr. Brueck.
6:00 Doors Open
6:30 Program Begins
All proceeds support the Mississippi Valley Council Endowment Fund to provide character development and adventure opportunities to local Scouts and Career Explorers for future generations.
Event Committee:
Jerry Courtney, Northwestern Mutual
Terri Dowell, U.S. Bank
Judy Brueck, Great River Health Systems
Bob Engberg, Aspelmeier, Fisch, Power, Engeberg, & Helling
Karen Marino, Brueck Construction
Ryan Nagrocki, Two Rivers Bank
Michael Schwenker, Four Points Financial
Jerry Sherwood, Sherwood Sign Company
Dan Wiedemeier
Ticket & Table Sponsorship Options:
Individual Tickets: $75
Eagle Sponsorship: $800 – eight dinner tickets, full page company logo/advertisement in the program, company recognition on the media presentation, wall signage, table signage. *Add any additional table for just $500*
Life Sponsorship: $550 – eight dinner tickets, company recognition on the media presentation, wall signage, table signage
Star Sponsorship: $325 – four dinner tickets, company recognition on the media presentation, table signage, recognition in the program
First Class Sponsorship: $225 – two dinner tickets, company recognition on the media presentation, company recognition in the program
For more information contact: David Gilbert at (217)224-0204
Download Registration Form: PDF