Burlington/West Burlington Public Schools Recruitment Night
Recruitment is under way for all of our Scouting Packs! Tips for a successful recruitment night:
- Be prepared – after all, it is our motto! Have a calendar ready to give parents, be ready to collect dues, have extra applications on hand, have pens available, keep it short and simple!
- Look the part! Be in uniform and have existing Scouts in uniform!
- Have Sign-up Stations
- Station 1: Welcome/Sign-in
- Station 2: What We Do
- Station 3: Registration Form
- Station 4: Check Out (complete applications)
- Station 5: Den Leader Q & A
- Have FUN!
Each elementary school will conduct a recruitment night; specific locations will be determined after classes resume.
For additional information: Shoquoquon Senior District Executive Keely Kangas 319-290-6662 or keely.kangas@scouting.org