Unit Charter Renewal Due Date
It’s that time of year again for charter renewals. The portal is now open and you can begin the process at advancements.scouting.org. Our council’s On-Time deadline is Wednesday, December 6th to give the Registrars time to complete their part before the office closes for the holidays on Friday, December 22. Per new National policies, charters cannot be renewed after December 31, 2023; the unit will need to follow the procedure for starting a new unit including new applications for all members.
If you have not already begun preparing for your charter renewal, you should begin now by viewing the training at on the Scouting America website for Charter Renewal Resources and then following the steps outlined on the Unit Charter Renewal Checklist (charter renewal checklist pdf). For questions or issues, please contact your district’s registrar (Eagle Valley – Laura Dighe and Shoquoquon – Teresa Hardin)