Cubanapolis at Camp Eastman – Free to New Cubs
Who: All new Cub Scouts, Returning Cub Scouts, Parents, Siblings
Fees: FREE for new Cub Scouts (Fall 2018). $20.00 for all other attendees. Late Fee of $8.00 if paid after October 13th
What to Bring: Personal camping gear and equipment – see mississippivalleyScouting for list. Parts A&B of the Scouting America Health Form. Optional: T-Shirt to screen print or purchase a shirt at the event.
Required Documents: Medical Form must be present on campgrounds
Activities: Activities are geared to give youth an introduction to Scouting. The festivities will culminate with the Big Race in the afternoon. Box Cars should be built prior to arrival. Visit www.mississippivalleyScouting for instructions.
For More Information: Jamie Edmondson, Camp Eastman New Cub Camp Chair, 660-216-8147 or
Download the Registration Booklet which includes car building instructions, schedule, suggested packing list, and more!