2022-2023 Eagle Valley District Committee Meeting
2022-2023 Eagle Valley District Committee Meetings
The monthly Eagle Valley District Committee meeting is for the volunteer leadership to plan for the operations of the District. The District Committee meets on the 3nd Wednesday of the month at 6pm at John Wood Community College.
Please plan to attend if you are a registered District Scouter, or interested in volunteering with any of the following committees:
- Membership
- Spring Recruitment
- Fall Recruitment
- Finance
- Deliver the Promise Community Campaign
- Deliver the Promise Family Campaign
- District Popcorn & Camp Card Sales
- Program
- Camping
- Spring Camporee
- Fall Camporee
- Fall Program Day
- Training
- Advancement
- Activities
- District Dinner
- Pinewood Derby
- Fishing Derby
- Parades
- Camping
- Unit Service (District Commissioner)
- Assistant District Commissioners
- Roundtable Commissioners
- Unit Commissioners
Please contact a member of the District Key 3 for more information on joining the Eagle Valley District Committee. All request to be added onto the District agenda, must be submitted 2 weeks prior to the meeting date to the District Chair.
- District Chair | Denise Embree | denise_embree@yahoo.com
- District Commissioner | Bruce Moechnig | bwmoechnig@gmail.com
- District Executive | Mimi Mckinney | miriam.mckinney@scouting.org