Eagle Valley Round Table
Join us for our monthly Eagle Valley Round Table. Come and learn what is happening in our district and connect with other leaders.
We meet from 7:00pm to 8:00pm at JWCC. Please note the different rooms for some meetings.
- 8/21 D024/D025
- 9/18 D022/D023
- 10/16 D024/D025
- 11/20 D022/D023
- 12/18 D022/D023
- 01/15 D022/D023
- 02/19 D022/D023
- 03/19 D022/D023
- 04/16 D022/D023
- 05/21 D022/D023
OR attend via Zoom!
Topic: Eagle Valley Roundtable
Time: Aug 21, 2024 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 847 6682 7559
Passcode: 141
One tap mobile
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+13092053325,,84766827559#,,,,*141# US