“Are you Tougher than a Scout” Golf Tournament
Information & Registration for the October 9th Golf Tournament at Shaeffer Memorial in Fort Madison can be found here: https://www.mississippivalleybsa.org/events/golf-fort-madison-2020/
We invite you to join us for a fun‐filled day of Golf and Scouting Skill Games. This unique fundraising event will help to ensure that approximately 2,600 young people along the Mississippi River continue to receive the best Scouting program possible. Our program provides youth a safe haven and opportunity to grow in character, citizenship, and fitness.
This event will be an 18-hole, 4-person scramble tournament with Scouting skill stations. Teams who complete Scouting skills successfully earn strokes off of their golf score. Skills may include activities like knot tying, nature, knife throwing, sling shot, and others. Includes golf, cart, lunch, soft drinks, beer, and on-course prizes.
You do not need to have been a Scout to participate! Everyone is welcome! Prizes will be awarded for both golfing skills and Scouting skills. Event will occur Rain or Shine.
8:00 am Registration
9:00 am Tee Off
3:30ish Closing
Team Options
All of the following – includes golf, cart, lunch, soft drinks, beer, and on-course prizes. All proceeds benefit local Scouts and Career Explorers.
$500 Eagle Team – includes 4 golfers, special gift bag, and premier sponsorship recognition
$400 Campership Team – includes 4 golfers, hole sponsorship, and a campership will be awarded in your name to an at-risk youth for 2020 Summer Camp
$300 Foursome – includes 4 golfers
$80 Individual Golfer
Sponsorship Opportunities
$250 Premier Sponsor – Logo sponsorship signage at a scout skill station, recognition in the program, eBlast to all 2,600 Scouting Families
$100 Hole Sponsor – hole signage with color business logo, recognition in the program, eBlast to all 2,600 Scouting Families
For more information contact: Ricci Dula at (217)224-0204
How You’re Supporting Local Scouting & Career Explorers
This Golf Event raises the funds necessary to provide a full Scouting program to 2,600 Scouts in our local communities. Throughout the Scouting America Mississippi Valley Council from Cub Scouting to Venturing, all programs use responsible outdoor activities to promote character development and values-based leadership training. Each year, at-risk and underprivileged young people in Scouting receive financial support at a cost to the Mississippi Valley Council. The local council relies on donations, directly or through special events to ensure each Scout is able to fully participate in the program.
Download Registration Form: PDF
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