Summer Camp Campership Forms Due
– Camperships may be submitted for Summer Camp or for other Council and District sponsored activities within the
Mississippi Valley Council.
– Campership forms requesting funding for Summer Camp submitted by March 1st will receive priority. After March
1st new youth members will receive priority. Camperships are available to registered youth of the Mississippi Valley
– The Campership Committee will meet after March 15th. You will receive notice by email prior to March 28th on the
status of your application. If this application is submitted after March 15th, you will receive notice within 20 days.
– Camperships are granted based on financial need demonstrated and availability of funds.
– Information provided (excluding address and family name) may be shared to secure camperships.
– Since its inception, Scouting has taught that a Scout pays his own way. This can be assisted by a Unit using the camp
savings plan for its youth members and participating in unit fund raising efforts (popcorn sale, camp cards, etc.). The
campership program has limited resources and is designed to assist our youth members who could not get a
camping experience any other way.