Tribe of the Silver Tomahawk Executive Committee Meeting
Tribe Executive Committee (TEC) Meeting
The Tribe of the Silver Tomahawk Executive Committee meeting is for all youth & Adult members of the Tribe. This date is scheduled so that more Tribesmen can attend both the TEC and the Winter Banquet. It follows a reoccurring schedule. As this meeting has a specific membership, last-minute changes may take place through direct communication to the committee/team list. If you are a member of this committee please follow communications from your chair and advisor. Please contact the staff advisor to request a guest invitation and double-check the location time if you would like to be invited to the meeting.
- Tribal Chief: Dakota Dietsch dakota.dietsch410@gmail.com
- Tribal Advisor: Aric Creelman 319.750.2540 ariccreelman5@aol.com
- Tribal Advisor: Cary Porter 660.291.8731 squeek63501@gmail.com
Information about the Tribe of the Silver Tomahawk: http://www.mississippivalleybsa.org/resources.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TribeoftheSilverTomahawk/