Fall Virtual & Small Group Programming
The 2020 Fall Line Up is coming together nicely! This will replace the traditional schedule as we continue to prioritize the health and safety of our Scouts. Please note, we still have some details to finalize, but here is a glance at what’s to come. We anticipate adding a few more items to this list, so keep checking this page for updates!
Small Group In-Person Program Opportunities
- Scouting America – ATV Program Days –August 29th and 30th Thanks for attending!
- Scouting America – Canoe Merit Badge Course – Saturday August 29th Thanks for attending!
- Scouting America – ATV Program Days – September 26th and 27th Thanks for attending!
- Scouting America – ATV Program Days – October 3rd and 4th Thanks for attending!
- Cub Scouts – Program Day at Big Hollow! Saturday September 12th! Open to all Cub Scouts! Cub Scouts will be able to choose from select activities and participate in a small group. Thanks for attending!
- Cub Scouts – Program Days at Saukenauk Scout Reservation and Camp Eastman! Saturday October 3rd! Open to all Cub Scouts Thanks for attending!
Online Merit Badge Opportunities
We will once again offer online merit badge classes this fall! Merit Badge Registration will be $6 per class. When you complete the requirements by the deadline, we will send you the Merit Badge Patch.
- Wednesday Sept 2nd – Salesmanship Thanks for attending!
- Wednesday October 7th –Citizenship in the Nation Thanks for attending!
- Wednesday November 4th – Citizenship in the World Thanks for attending!
- Saturday December 12th – Citizenship in the Community https://www.mississippivalleyScouting America.org/events/citizenship-in-the-community-merit-badge/
In person or Online w/kit Merit Badge
- Oct – Chess – to be held online, a kit will be provided Thanks for attending!
- Nov – First Aid – to be held online for one session and IN person for the second session. A kit will be provided Thanks for attending!
- Dec – Environmental Science Merit Badge - in person at Camp Eastman Dining Hall with a capacity of 16 Click here to register THIS COURSE WILL BE POSTPONED DUE TO STATE RESTRICTIONS. WE WILL UPDATE THE GROUP AS A NEW DATE IS PICKED https://www.mississippivalleyScouting America.org/events/environmental-science-merit-badge/
Scouting America Monthly Calendars at a Glance
- August September Calendar at a Glance - Scouting America
- Oct Calendar at a Glance - Scouting America
- Nov Calendar at a Glance - Scouting America
- December Calendar at a Glance - Scouting America
Digital Den Meetings
Calling all Cub Scouts! We will be offering Digital Den Meetings this fall by rank! Upon completion of the belt loop, the Council will mail you said belt loop! Special offer - October Digital Den meetings are free and all others will be $6 per class. Check out the calendar for the schedule!
Monthly Den Meeting Schedules:
Digital Pack Meetings
Once a month we will have a free digital pack meeting! These will include songs, skits, special guest presentations, and recognition to all Scouts who accomplished adventures at the digital den meetings! Check out the calendar for the schedule!
Patrol Challenge
Are You Up For the Challenge?? We will be offering a Patrol Challenge once a month! Log in as a patrol or individually and be ready to face the challenge! We will send all registered participants an ‘items needed’ list 1 week prior to the event!
- September 9 - Thanks for attending!
- October 14 - Thanks for attending!
- November 11 - Thanks for attending!
- December 9 - https://www.mississippivalleyScouting America.org/events/patrol-challenge-december/
Virtual Spook-O-Ree
October 24th - Save the date for this virtual haunted good time! This camporee will be the Mississippi Valley Council’s 2nd virtual experience and fun for the whole family! Spooky snack demonstrations, ghost stories and more! Stay tuned as more ‘eerie’ details to come!! Cost is $6 per registered Scout, which gets you access to the event and a ghastly patch! Prizes will be awarded for select competitions! Thanks for Attending!
Service Monthly Theme
Here are some monthly themes we are doing to keep service at the forefront of our minds as we strive to Do a Good Turn Daily.
- October: Scouting for Food - organize and collect food with your unit and donate to your local food pantries. Scouting For Food - OCT 2020 flyer
- November: Patriotic - How to observe Veterans Day with your Scouts. Veterans Day 2020
- December: Good Deed Challenge - Good Deed Challenge Flier - Good Deed Challenge Cards
Contact Us
- E-Mail: mvc@scouting.org
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MississippiValleyCouncil/
- More Resources: https://www.mississippivalleyScouting America.org/resources