Winter & Spring Virtual & Small Group Programming
The 2021 Winter and Spring Line Up is coming together nicely! This will replace the traditional schedule as we continue to prioritize the health and safety of our Scouts. Please note, we still have some details to finalize, but here is a glance at what’s to come. We anticipate adding a few more items to this list, so keep checking this page for updates!
Small Group In-Person Program Opportunities
- Scouting America - Polar Bear - January 16th **VIRTUAL EVENT** - Thanks for Attending!!
- Scouting America – Eagle Valley Spring Camporee - April 10th Weekend -
- Scouting America – Shoquoquon Spring Camporee - April 24th Weekend -
- Cub Scouts - Pinewood Derby Car Clinic - January 9th - Thanks for Attending!
- Cub Scouts –Yukon - MARCH 27 - Thank for attending!
Online Merit Badge Opportunities
We will once again offer online merit badge classes this fall! Merit Badge Registration will be $6 per class. When you complete the requirements by the deadline, we will send you the Merit Badge Patch.
- Wednesday January 6th – Communication - THANKS FOR ATTENDING!
- February 13th - American Heritage - Thanks for Attending!
- Wednesday March 3rd - Genealogy Thanks for attending!
- Saturday April 17th - Fingerprinting
- May 4, 11, 18 & 25 - Photography -
In person or Online w/kit Merit Badge
- Feb – Environmental Science Merit Badge - Thanks for attending!
- March – Astronomy Merit Badge at Gardner Denver Camp in Pike Co, IL Thanks for Attending!!
- April - Fishing and Fish and Wildlife Merit Badge - Shoquoquon Spring Camporee -
- May - Fly Fishing Merit Badge -
Patrol Challenge
Are You Up For the Trivia Challenge?? We will be offering a Patrol Challenge Trivia once a month! Log in as a patrol or individually and be ready to face the challenge!
- January 13th - Thanks for attending!
- February 10th -Thanks for attending!
- March 10th - Thanks for Attending!!
- April 14th -
- May 12th -
Contact Us
- E-Mail:
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- More Resources: