2019 Tribe of the Silver Tomahawk Fall Conclave
Cost: $12 before August 19th
$15 after August 19th
8:00 am- TEC Meeting
8:45 am- Check in at the Beavers Den
9:15 am- Flags at Silver Tomahawk Lodge
9:30 am- Work Projects: Lodge Siding/Camp Winterization
12:15 pm- Lunch at Burg Hall/ Officer Candidate Meeting
1:00 pm – Neolin Meeting/BOW Meeting at Silver Tomahawk Lodge
Paint station game/ competition
3:00 pm- Elections/Closing campfire
For more info:
Tribal Advisor: Jeff Melton : Phone: 309-313-4010 Email: jeffmelton91@hotmail.com
Staff Advisor: Keely Kangas : Phone: 319-754-8413 Email: keely.kangas@scouting.org