Rescheduled Trivia Night – Fort Madison
Mississippi Valley Trivia Night sponsored by River Rocks at 709 Avenue H in Fort Madison, IA 52627
Put together a team of 8 friends and test your knowledge with ten rounds of trivia!
When: Friday, February 11, 2022, doors open at 5:30 p.m., dinner served at 6:00 p.m. & trivia begins at 6:30 p.m.
Tickets: $20 per individual; $150 per standard table of 8; $200 Genius Table Option gets you a table of 8, set of 12 mulligans, and premier location. Campership tables gets you table of 8, set of 12 mulligans and funds an at-risk youth to attend camp.
Event Sponsorships available
Dinner included with entry fee; drinks available for purchase.
Mulligans (free answers) will be for sale at $5 each
Double Down one round of trivia (your choice of round) and double your score for $30
All trivia proceeds support local Scouting and Exploring in Lee County.