SSR Back Country Experience
A full week of backpacking around Saukenauk Scout Reservation! Treat this like a mini-Philmont trek (trail meals included) as you explore the back 2/3 of the Reservation and enjoy other high-adventure style activities. This is operated as a Provisional camp where we provide the leadership and Scouts do not need to attend with their Troop.
- Provide an experience for older Scouts to enjoy Scouting in a trek activity
- Teach Scouts advanced outdoor and camping skills
- Provide an experience that could help prepare a Scout to attend a trek at Philmont Scout Ranch
Visit our Resources Page for our Summer Camp Guidebook for more information.
REGISTER NOW: Scoutmasters should Register Scouts through the Summer Camp Portal and pay in the Scout Shop, just like Troop Summer Camp. Please see our webinar for further instructions. https://youtu.be/WHCN17DXr9w