2018 Eagle Valley Spring Camporee (Cast Iron Camporee)
WHO: All Boy Scout Troops are invited to participate.
WHEN: April 6 – April 8. Arrive after 5:00 p.m. on Friday and depart by 11:00 a.m. on Sunday
FEES: $15.00 per youth; $10.00 per adult. Late Fee of $5.00 per person if paid after Friday, March 30th.
WHAT TO BRING: Troop and personal camping equipment. Proper equipment and clothing for the weather. Also, make sure to have all camp kitchen equipment ready for this event, including a dutch oven. Each unit attending will need to bring your Health and Medical forms and a roster of those attending with email addresses.
REQUIRED DOCUMENTS: Medical form must be present on campgrounds. Roster of Scouts in Camp to be submitted upon arrival. Emails are required. Rosters will be checked upon arrival.
ACTIVITIES: Patrol cooking sessions and competition.
MORE INFORMATION: Event Chairman Dawn Moore at 773-757-7090 or drmoore@gmail.com OR Staff Advisor Heather Huebner at 319-316-3144 or heather.huebner@scouting.org
Download the Registration Form and Booklet 2018 EV Spring Camporee Booklet