2021 OA Section C3-B Conclave
This year’s Section C3-B conclave will be the best yet! In our yearly gathering of all of the lodges, we’ll meet at the Brethren Court. Our Pirate-themed Conclave will be October 15-17 at Camp Illinek in Chatham Illinois. We’ll have an exciting program, from sailing to shooting, all to show your YOUR lodge pride.
Section Conclave is an event where all the Brothers from around the 7 other lodges in our section come to gather. You can attend amazing training cells, meet National Officers, eat great food, and engage in all sorts of activities! These activities range from water sports, shooting sports, Native American Dancing, Ceremony Competitions, and high adventure-based activities. Don’t miss out on having the time of your life at the 2021 Section C-3B Conclave!
Cost is $47 per person! Register HERE
More information about BHL contingent: webmaster@blackhawklodge.org