2021 Shoquoquon District Recognition Dinner
Join us as we recognize those volunteers who made 2020 a success, despite all obstacles!
We will plan on eating outdoors at Dankwardt Park in the large pavilion (Harry Hatt), located at 2305 Madison Ave, Burlington, IA 52601.
We will be recognizing:
District Award of Merit recipients Tony Leuschen & Teresa Morehead
Rookie of the year, Kristin Martin
Cubmaster of the year, Byron Tatti
Scoutmaster of the year, Todd Chelf
Our Unsung Hero, Adam Fritz
Shoquoquon District Scouters of the Year, Jerry & Deb Crouch
Top Post Advisor, Charles Massner
& Last but not Least… Lifetime Achievement Award to Don and Gale Lofgren!
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