Tribe of the Silver Tomahawk Brave Day
Join the Tribe of the Silver Tomahawk for Brave Day!
All Tribesmen are invited for Brave Day! March 12, 2022, is a day for all Tribesmen to return to Camp Eastman! Come visit the camp and enjoy our first event of the year! We will offer brave and paint station classes as well as our usual camp maintenance projects. Lunch will be provided, and the Beavers Den will be open for those who are looking to purchase TST merchandise!
Oh and it’s free for everybody!
Contact info:
- Tribe Chief: Dakota Dietsch dakota.dietsch410@gmail.com
- Tribe Advisor: Aric Creelman 319-750-2540 or email ariccreelman5@aol.com
- Tribe Advisor: Cary Porter 660-291-8731 or email squeek63501@gmail.com